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Certified Chimney Sweep Logo from the CSIA

 At Chimney-Tech Sweep & Dryer Vent Solutions ALL of our senior technicians have been passed the CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep EXAM.  This means our technicians have passed both the NFPA 211 & International Residential Code Exams as well as completing the Chimney Safety Institute of America's National Chimney Sweep Training School. 

Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician


Unless otherwise stated, a Level I Inspection is limited to readily accessible areas of the chimney, structure and flue; lack of obstruction or combustible deposits in flue; basic appliance installation and connection.

- Level of cleanliness of venting system
- Verification that the flue is not blocked or significantly restricted or obstructed
- Appliance Clearance
- General condition of appliance
- Chimney or vent and its connector for general suitability for appliance
- Chimney or vent and its connector type, material, condition, clearance, joint security for support and stability, offset, rise & slope
- Check connector or vent connector accessories (barometric damper, damper, draft hood, heat reclaimer)
- Chimney liner for proper support
- Appropriateness of the chimney liner type for the appliance
- That the chimney liner is present and free of readily visible defects, distortion and spalling
- The the flue cleanouts are present and properly installed
- Condition of the wash when readily accessible
- That the chimney cap, if present, does not contribute to the flue blockage/restriction
- That the spark arrestor, if present, is not obstructed
- That the top installed damper, if present, does not obstruct the flue
- Wall pass-through general conditions
- That the connector is secure where it meets the wall pass-through, chimney or vent
- General condition of the hearth and hearth extension
- Hearth extension sizing
- General conditions of the hearth extension, fireplace facing, fire chamber, and smoke chamber, with special emphasis on tight-fitting joints between assemblies
- Type & condition of fire chamber lining
- Clearance to combustible trim and materials around fireplace opening
- Operation of closure of damper assembly
- Smoke chamber general conditions
- Smoke chamber accessibility
- Smoke chamber transition to flue
- The air circulation grilles (openings) around factory-built fireplaces are not blocked or restricted
- Freedom from rust or corrosion of readily accessible metal parts in factory built fireplaces and chimneys
- The mechanical draft systems are operable and free from rust and corrosion


Level II inspections includes all requirements of a Level I inspection as well as an inspection from the roof, basement and crawlspaces if they are accessible.

- Condition of the chimney
- Attic insulation shield for factory-built chimneys and factory-built fireplace chimneys
- Housing and shrouds for factory-built chimneys and factory-built fireplace chimneys
- Factory-built chimney support type
- Factory-built chimney and factory-built fireplace chimney assembled with appropriate parts; attached to appliance, clearances
- The venting system is properly sized for the appliance
- Height and dimensions of liner
- Installation and conditions of offsets in flue
- The unused openings (into flue) are properly sealed
- Construction of the wash
- Expansion joint between the flue & wash
- Condition of the flashing
- Condition of crickets when present
- Chimney connector or vent connector gauge (material thickness)
- Chimney and vent connector diameter is proper for the appliance(s) connected
- That the wall pass-through is properly installed with adequate clearances and installation details
- Chimney or vent connector configuration (appropriate dimensions for sizing and compared with vent or chimney
- Manifold sizing
- Combustion air supplied for fireplaces is in accordance
- Conditions of outside air inlets, outlets, and ducting
- Ash Dump
- Combustible framing/forms underneath hearths or hearth extensions of masonry fireplaces
- Fireplace opening size (Ratio w/ Flue) of masonry fireplaces
- Size of throat of masonry fireplaces
- Smoke chamber dimensions (angle/height) of masonry fireplaces
- Smoke chamber lining (parged, firebrick etc.) of masonry fireplaces
- Smoke shelf area of masonry fireplaces
- Factory-built fireplace brand, model and listing
- The factory-built fireplace glass doors and accessories (inserted items) are approved
- Factory-built fireplace hearth platform and covering


- Firestopping
- Debris in annular space of factory-built chimney and factory-built fireplace chimneys
- Masonry Foundation
- Masonry Foundation depth and dimension
- Masonry Foundation soil conditions
- The the space around the chimney liner is adequate
- That seismic requirements, where required, have been met
- Thickness of fireplace walls
- Clearance around fireplace walls
- Smoke chamber wall thickness
- Factory-Built Fireplace clearance
- That the factory-built fireplace hearth strip is properly installed
- That the factory-built installation is stable
- Connections between factory-built fireplace and its chimney
- Factory-built fireplace hearth extensions per manufacturers installation instructions including U valves.


Licensed - Certified - Bonded - Insured 
Chimney Tech uses the latest tools and industry technology to ensure your chimney and dryer venting system are operating efficiently as possible. You can rest assure we take fire safety very seriously.

- CSIA Certified Chimney Inspections
- CSIA Certified Dryer Vent Cleanings
- Wood & Pellet Stove Installations 
- Masonry Chimney Repairs
- Waterproofing & Sealing
- Custom Chase Cover & Caps
- Dryer Vent Termination Rerouting
- Gutter Cleaning & Guard Installation



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